APPRECIATION AWARDS: Presented by Roger Cook MLA, Member for Kwinana
Eileen Healey Awarded certificate of appreciation for her significant contribution in the organisation of the Wandi Fair over 14 years. She was one of the first Warbler editors.
Kerry Morgan Awarded a certificate of appreciation for raising the profile of Landcare in Wandi and successfully applying for grants to allow local residents to obtain free tree seedlings to revegetate their properties.
ABOVE AND BEYOND AWARDS (nominated by past presidents of the WPA)
Presented by Her Worship the Mayor Carol Adams, City of Kwinana
Presented by Her Worship the Mayor Carol Adams, City of Kwinana
DEBBIE COCKS Awarded for being a passionate community and committee member who goes beyond the normal expectations by being available to assist with community centre requirements to ensure users have access to all the facilities. In addition was heavily involved in the organisation of the Wandi Fair over 10 years.
ROD COCKS Received the most number of nominations, he has been on the committee for all 25 years and was awarded Life Membership in 2010. He has been involved in every aspect of community centre work and, in particular, he has taken on the role of coordinator and negotiator on behalf of the WPA with the Kwinana Council on many issues.
FRED ERDTSIECK Fred was always willing to help and increased the profile of the Wandi Landcare group. He successfully applied for many grants to assist in removing weed infestation and protect rare and endangered orchids. He brought the WPA into the electronic age and was our inaugural webmaster.
BRUCE HEATHER Awarded for his work in the very early days of the WPA. He was the project coordinator for the Magenup Equestrian Centre. He was also involved in fighting the inequitable rating system at that time.
PETER HEGARTY Joined the WPA just prior to the relocation of the Hope Valley Primary School to this site and spent many hours working on the building renovation, in particular painting and the electronic security. On behalf of local residents, he successfully fought the proposed installation of a large Western Power substation on the corner of De Haer/Rowley Roads.
JOHN LYDON John’s skill as an electrician has been much appreciated and saved the WPA (and Council) many thousands of dollars. He installed permanent power on the oval for the Wandi Fair, laid the subsurface conduits for the tennis court and managed the Resource Centre and The Shed electrical installations.
LES WHIDDETT Les is also a very long serving member of the WPA. He has been involved in all the projects on the site and, as a plumber, his skill and knowledge has been invaluable. He is a great community person and is also involved as a volunteer with Dept of Environment and Conservation (now Dept of Parks & Wildlife) and the Bendigo Bank.