The City of Kwinana requires home owners and residents to prepare their properties each summer to conform to the bush fire act. Currently home owners in rural areas can conduct hazard reduction burns without permit between 31 May and 30 September. This period may be varied by government when there is adverse conditions. Hazard reduction burns may be conducted by permit between 1 October and 30 November and 1 April and 31 May. Please check with the City of Kwinana for the relevant authority who can issue the permit. Fire permits and burn offs - City of Kwinana is the current link to the appropriate City of Kwinana page. Burning is not permitted anywhere in the City of Kwinana between 1 December and 31 March.
The time to think about preparing for the summer is August / September. By working with our highly trained Emergency Services Officers and City of Kwinana rangers you can begin taking steps now to protect your home and family from bushfires
Home Safety Hints
Owners and occupiers must install firebreaks by December 1 each year. These firebreaks must be AT LEAST 3 metres wide and 4 metres high. Earth firebreaks are needed:
Firebreaks must be kept clear until at least March 31 each year. A well-maintained green lawn is acceptable, in lieu of, or in conjunction with cleared firebreaks. It is also strongly recommended that a 20-metre low fuel zone be around buildings by having lawns, slashing or other means.
It is essential that a 4-wheel drive vehicle can drive safely and continuously around your firebreaks. Any obstructions on firebreaks mean that they do not conform to fire laws.
Variations-Fire Protection Plans
If, because of environment, planning or other reasons, you cannot comply with the Firebreak Notice you MUST contact the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer at the City of Kwinana (Ph: 94390200). Normally firebreaks should not be constructed in wetlands. We will make every effort to assist you to develop an alternative fire prevention plan, for the protection of your family, neighbours and firefighters in the event of an emergency. Variations must be applied for.
Further ESSENTIAL Information can be found on the FESA website
The time to think about preparing for the summer is August / September. By working with our highly trained Emergency Services Officers and City of Kwinana rangers you can begin taking steps now to protect your home and family from bushfires
Home Safety Hints
- Do not light a BBQ too close to buildings, trees or bush or on days where the fire danger is very high or above.
- Trim trees and bushes before summer.
- Install fire alarms.
- Check trees near power lines. If likely to touch, call a tree doctor to trim them.
- Close doors and windows when you are not home.
- Use bulk waste collections
- Take extra care to put out cigarette butts properly.
- If you have an evaporative air conditioner, keep it off when you are not home.
- If a fire is in the area keep checking your property for burning embers.
- Regularly check gutters and remove leaf litter.
- Have an evacuation plan which includes all pets.
- Follow instructions from Emergency Service Officers.
Owners and occupiers must install firebreaks by December 1 each year. These firebreaks must be AT LEAST 3 metres wide and 4 metres high. Earth firebreaks are needed:
- Immediately inside all property boundaries.
- Surrounding all buildings.
- Around timber piles, haystacks, tyres, vehicles, flammable liquids and chemical and gas products.
Firebreaks must be kept clear until at least March 31 each year. A well-maintained green lawn is acceptable, in lieu of, or in conjunction with cleared firebreaks. It is also strongly recommended that a 20-metre low fuel zone be around buildings by having lawns, slashing or other means.
It is essential that a 4-wheel drive vehicle can drive safely and continuously around your firebreaks. Any obstructions on firebreaks mean that they do not conform to fire laws.
Variations-Fire Protection Plans
If, because of environment, planning or other reasons, you cannot comply with the Firebreak Notice you MUST contact the Chief Bush Fire Control Officer at the City of Kwinana (Ph: 94390200). Normally firebreaks should not be constructed in wetlands. We will make every effort to assist you to develop an alternative fire prevention plan, for the protection of your family, neighbours and firefighters in the event of an emergency. Variations must be applied for.
Further ESSENTIAL Information can be found on the FESA website