The Resource Centre is part of the Wandi Community Centre and was formally Hope Valley Primary School. The history of moving the school can be seen on pages on this website.
Thanks to the City of Kwinana the Resource Centre is having all the remaining exterior asbestos removed and replaced with fibre cement. Much of the exterior asbestos walling was replaced when the building was moved but where it wasn’t disturbed there was no need to replace it at the time. Since the City passed a policy of not having any buildings they own having asbestos in their construction, now the time has come and the asbestos is being replaced with a safer material.
Groups that are using the building have either relocated to other buildings or suspended their meetings while the work is being undertaken.
Thanks to the City of Kwinana the Resource Centre is having all the remaining exterior asbestos removed and replaced with fibre cement. Much of the exterior asbestos walling was replaced when the building was moved but where it wasn’t disturbed there was no need to replace it at the time. Since the City passed a policy of not having any buildings they own having asbestos in their construction, now the time has come and the asbestos is being replaced with a safer material.
Groups that are using the building have either relocated to other buildings or suspended their meetings while the work is being undertaken.
The front of the building with sections of walls removed between the windows
The site has been examined by a independent contractor being signed off as cleared and safe after all asbestos material was removed and the area cleaned.
A bonus for us is that walls have been insulated with pink bats before the new sheeting was installed, a great upgrade for summer and winter.
Once the new walling is in place it will be colour matched with the existing colour.
The Resource Centre was cleared for use at 2pm 29 January 2021 I'm sure all user groups will make use of the building during 2021. Thanks to the City of Kwinana for the building upgrade and user groups for delaying their start time for 2021..
Once the new walling is in place it will be colour matched with the existing colour.
The Resource Centre was cleared for use at 2pm 29 January 2021 I'm sure all user groups will make use of the building during 2021. Thanks to the City of Kwinana for the building upgrade and user groups for delaying their start time for 2021..