Wandi Landcare volunteers are passionate about the Wandi environment, on their own properties and within the local area. Volunteers are a valued part of the local community managing our natural areas. The Wandi Landcare Group has been planting on Magenup lake since it started some 34 years ago.
Wandi Landcare volunteers with the assistance of the City of Kwinana hold regular tree plantings around Lake Magenup. Look for advice of plantings on our Facebook page and website.
The Parks and Wildlife Service is part of the new Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) in Western Australia they have mapped the areas where local volunteer groups are managing their bushland. To see the Wandi location and to visit the website click here.
To use the site untick REGIONAL POLYGONS, zoom + to enlarge the satellite image to find the site off De Haer Road Wandi, click on the marker for information or SEARCH for Wandi in the table on the left, scroll down to find Wandi and click on the down arrow to expand the information.
Wandi Landcare volunteers with the assistance of the City of Kwinana hold regular tree plantings around Lake Magenup. Look for advice of plantings on our Facebook page and website.
The Parks and Wildlife Service is part of the new Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) in Western Australia they have mapped the areas where local volunteer groups are managing their bushland. To see the Wandi location and to visit the website click here.
To use the site untick REGIONAL POLYGONS, zoom + to enlarge the satellite image to find the site off De Haer Road Wandi, click on the marker for information or SEARCH for Wandi in the table on the left, scroll down to find Wandi and click on the down arrow to expand the information.
Once again local volunteers braved the elements to plant 450 native tube stock on the edge of Lake Magenup and Sunday the 23rd June turned out to be a perfect day. City of Kwinana backed the planting as they have done for a number of years and the WPA prepared thankyou lunch funded by the City. The volunteer group numbered 28 and included children and adults, for some adults it wasn't their first planting having been there for the last 35 years. |
Thanks to a willing team of 15 volunteers 500 tube stock was planted on the edge of Lake Mangenup, Sunday 11th June. Planting was assisted by two City of Kwinana (CoK) Landcare Officers guiding the team through perfect weather with just one light shower. After many of the volunteers stayed back and were rewarded with a hot sausage sizzle, tea, coffee and fruit. Thanks to everyone for the site preparation (CoK), planting (local volunteers) and food preparation (WPA).
The Landcare group were at it again on the 26th June 2022 this planting was split between two sites one doing infill planting on last years site at the front of the Community Centre and the other off the southern corner of the arena. About twenty four braved the early cold start getting stuck into the planting. Thanks to the City of Kwinana all the holes were in place with tube stock, stakes and tree guards ready for planting.
Many took the opportunity to have a sausage sizzle lunch and cuppa when they finished planting the 600 odd plants.
Thanks to those who made themselves available on the day, you’re planting making an environmental difference.
Many took the opportunity to have a sausage sizzle lunch and cuppa when they finished planting the 600 odd plants.
Thanks to those who made themselves available on the day, you’re planting making an environmental difference.
Wandi Landcare Group hosted their planting at Magenup Lake on the 27th June 2021. The site was prepared by the City of Kwinana Environmental Department with the capable guidance of Angela Jakobs, Bush Care Officer.
Around twenty locals and visitors helped plant 450 tube stock but their session was cut short due to heavy rain. Many of the group returned to the Resource Centre planting and helped out, then gathered to discuss the morning with a sausage sizzle, fruit and juice. Our 2020 year of planting didn't eventuate due to lockdowns and associated covid19 rules.
Around twenty locals and visitors helped plant 450 tube stock but their session was cut short due to heavy rain. Many of the group returned to the Resource Centre planting and helped out, then gathered to discuss the morning with a sausage sizzle, fruit and juice. Our 2020 year of planting didn't eventuate due to lockdowns and associated covid19 rules.
ABOVE: Well we are here and ready to start with stacks of tree guards and keen volunteers.
ABOVE LEFT & RIGHT: Job done, with lots of rain forecast it should give the seedling a good start.
2020 was a difficult year with COVID-19 restrictions across Western Australia, despite this we were able to hold our annual tree planting event at Lake Magenup – all be it slightly later in the year on Sunday 2nd August. We had around 30 volunteers show up and managed to plant almost 800 tube stock of local native plants which was a fantastic result (and nearly double the prior year!). Species such as Eucalyptus rudis (flooded gums), Melaleuca rhaphiophylla (Paperbarks), Juncus pallidus (sedges), and a variety of other native species to wetland areas including Hypocallyma angustifolium, Astatea fasicularis, Centella asiatica, Melalueca teretifolia and Melalueca laterita. This area is an important ecological linkage between the Jandakot Regional Park to the east and other semi-rural residents and other reserves to the west. There are many bird species present as well as Western Grey Kangaroos, and Southern Brown Bandicoots. The planting program is part of an ongoing project to establish a corridor of vegetation between these areas to improve habitat for our native species. This and other tree planting days held around the City are crucial to helping revegetate the land to benefit the environment and future generations.
.ABOVE: 2018 was an understory planting for our Magenup Lake area, previous planting of trees are well established, now they will provide shelter for the new tube stock.
ABOVE: Not only do the trees give shelter to the new seedling but also a mob of local kangaroos. Kangaroos are welcome on this site , tree guards are used to protect seedlings from being nibbled by the locals.
Sunny skies were welcome for this years planting so many have been rainy and cold. Preparation is key for our plantings and over the last few years City of Kwinana have prepared the site by pre drilling the holes a day before. As the volunteers arrive tree guards and stakes are being placed beside the holes in readyness.
ABOVE: Planting can be a get down and dirty affair but everyone enjoys the work and fellowship. Once the seedlings have been planted everyone finishes off the job by installing tree guards and three supporting stakes.
Photos of the 2014 planting on Magenup Lake.